© Branden Sahagun All Rights Reserved

No part of this portfolio may be reproduced in any form or means, electronically or photocopying, without the publisher's and author's written permission.

_ branden sahagun – artist / architect based in Los Angeles with 5 years of experience in design.

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design, music, architecture, street style and documentary, methodological thinking, - defining "abstract organized chaos" art.

__ experience in the practice of architecture, focusing on high-rise/commercial design. giving him the unique ability to approach projects from the synesthesia perspective.

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__ strong background in manipulating diverse technology/software - experimenting with paradigm methods approaches to show the process of learning concepts and self - expression through the exploration of space in his designs, imagination that distinguishes the human mind, and then has abstract to the experiential _ to him … architecture is an expression of all imagined potentials in various artistic mediums …. ]

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creating experiences across platforms --- web, print, photo, video, architecture, sound design, abstract art ..
